DP BBM 23 adalah sebuah blog gratis, yang menyajikan seputar kata - kata, DP BBM, AdSense, Blogger, Tutorial, Windows 10, ISO, Theme Windows 10!! dan saat ini kamu sedang membuka halaman Download ISO Windows 10 1607 build 14393.0 Dengan Menggunakan Direct Link, Semoga membantu & bermanfaat!!
1. BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 BNB free!
Link : BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 free!
Misi : The mission is to just open the site every 1 hour, to claim BNB for free, by pressing ROLL according to the instructions listed on the site, if you are lucky you will get 10000 BNB randomly, so often you open it every 1 hour so that you get lucky 10000 BNB for free.
Misi : This cryptocurrency mining site you only need to register for free, after you register, let the system work by itself to mine coins.
Here you can mine: Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Tron (TRX), Litecoin (LTC), for free running itself.
You need to remember, on this site there is another mission, namely a claim mission every 1 hour, so don't miss it, once every 1 hour you open the site then open the tab on the left, and click the claim button then you can claim 4 cryptocurrencies for free!
3. xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes
Link : xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes
Misi : On this 3rd mining site, the same as the others, namely first you are required to register, after successful registration, your task is very easy, which is just to claim every 10 minutes.
On this site, what you can claim is: Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Binance Coin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Tron, all of which you can claim for FREE!!
Investment Ivans Contract site
Link : Investment Ivans Contract Site
Misi : On this ivan contract site, it's not complicated, you only need to register first using an active email, after successful registration, you just do the missions easily, such as sharing to facebook, wahtsapp, following the official ivan contract account, sharing to youtube, share with friends (using referral links), etc., each mission is rewarded from 1000-2000 and even 3000!
Not only that! at the time of initial registration you will be given a balance of 105, of which 100,000 balances will automatically be used as investment capital for 2 months with an income of 196,000, and of which 5000 will be stored in your main balance! if you want to get more, you just share your referral link with your friends, you will be rewarded with 1000/1 friends!.
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DP BBM 23 - Download ISO Windows 10 1607 build 14393.0 Dengan Menggunakan Direct Link - selamat dini hari dan selamat berjumpa kembali sahabat blog DP BBM 23 semuanya .. setelah beberapa waktu tadi membahas dan berbagi mengenai Download ISO Windows / Office Gratis ( Windows and Office ISO Downloader ) pada kesempatan inipun masih membahas topik yang sama yaitu mengenai Download ISO Windows 10 1607 build 14393.0 Dengan Menggunakan Direct Link untuk lebih jelasnya sobat baca saja ulasan singkatnya dibawah ini ...
Belum lama ini ditahun sebelumnya .. Microsoft kembali merilis update besar untuk Windows 10 .. Sebelumnya Microsoft pernah merilis update utama untuk Windows 10 yang dijuluki November Update .. Sedangkan kali ini, karena update ini waktu itu bertepatan dengan tanggal dirilisnya Windows 10 untuk pertama kali .. Microsoft menamainya sebagai Anniversary Update .. Anniversary Update ( versi 1607 ) .. atau yang juga dikenal sebagai Feature update .. hadir dengan membawa berbagai fitur baru dan perbaikan .. Windows 10 versi 1607 diklaim memiliki keandalan dan stabilitas lebih dari versi Windows sebelumnya ..
Seharusnya, Anniversary Update akan di download dan di install secara otomatis oleh Windows 10 ketika komputer sobat terhubung ke Internet .. Namun jika Windows sobat tidak kunjung mengunduh update ini .. sobat dapat menginstallnya secara manual dengan cara membuka Settings > Update & security > Windows Update dan klik Check Updates ..
Selain menggunakan Windows Update .. kita juga dapat menggunakan Windows 10 Media Creation Tool untuk mengunduh sekaligus menginstall Anniversary Update secara otomatis .. Selain untuk mengunduh Anniversary Update .. Media Creation Tool juga dapat digunakan untuk mengunduh ISO Windows 10 1607 build 14393.0 ..
Download Windows 10 1607 / Anniversary Update menggunakan direct link
Selain menggunakan Media Creation Tool dan Windows Update .. cara mudah lainnya untuk mendapatkan ISO Windows 10 1607 build 14393 adalah dengan mengunduhnya langsung melalui server Microsoft ( direct link ) .. Berikut adalah langkahnya :
- Langkah 1 : Kunjungi halaman ini menggunakan browser Edge ..
- Langkah 2 : Dibagian Select edition, pilih edisi Windows 10 yang saat ini sudah terinstall pada PC sobat .. Hanya dengan mengunduh satu file ISO, sobat akan mendapatkan dua versi Windows 10, yaitu Windows 10 Home dan Windows 10 Pro .. Pastikan sobat memilih edisi yang tepat ketika menginstall .. Klik tombol Confirm setelah sobat yakin dengan pilihan sobat ..
- Langkah 3 : Jika ada pesan konfirmasi muncul mengenai bahasa OS, pilih bahasa yang sobat mengerti lalu klik tombol Confirm ..
- Langkah 4 : Terakhir, klik arsitektur sistem operasi yang sobat inginkan ( 32-bit atau 64-bit ) .. Jika sobat menggunkan komputer dengan RAM lebih dari 4 GB, saya sarankan untuk menggunakan arsitektur 64-bit saja ..

DP BBM 23 - Download ISO Windows / Office Gratis ( Windows and Office ISO Downloader ) - selamat malam dan selamat berjumpa lagi sahabat blog DP BBM 23 semuanya dimanapun berada .. setelah tadi membahas dan berbagi mengenai Download ISO Windows 10 build 14393 Gratis 2016 dik...View More
⬇️ Mining Crypto and Investment ⬇️
1. BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 BNB free!
Link : BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 free!
Misi : The mission is to just open the site every 1 hour, to claim BNB for free, by pressing ROLL according to the instructions listed on the site, if you are lucky you will get 10000 BNB randomly, so often you open it every 1 hour so that you get lucky 10000 BNB for free.
Misi : This cryptocurrency mining site you only need to register for free, after you register, let the system work by itself to mine coins.
Here you can mine: Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Tron (TRX), Litecoin (LTC), for free running itself.
You need to remember, on this site there is another mission, namely a claim mission every 1 hour, so don't miss it, once every 1 hour you open the site then open the tab on the left, and click the claim button then you can claim 4 cryptocurrencies for free!
3. xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes
Link : xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes
Misi : On this 3rd mining site, the same as the others, namely first you are required to register, after successful registration, your task is very easy, which is just to claim every 10 minutes.
On this site, what you can claim is: Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Binance Coin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Tron, all of which you can claim for FREE!!
Investment Ivans Contract site
Link : Investment Ivans Contract Site
Misi : On this ivan contract site, it's not complicated, you only need to register first using an active email, after successful registration, you just do the missions easily, such as sharing to facebook, wahtsapp, following the official ivan contract account, sharing to youtube, share with friends (using referral links), etc., each mission is rewarded from 1000-2000 and even 3000!
Not only that! at the time of initial registration you will be given a balance of 105, of which 100,000 balances will automatically be used as investment capital for 2 months with an income of 196,000, and of which 5000 will be stored in your main balance! if you want to get more, you just share your referral link with your friends, you will be rewarded with 1000/1 friends!.

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Published : 2017-07-05T02:05:00+07:00